There is a new method of fraud going on : PolresGowa

 Regularly check for fraud through Alfamart  Call Center

Always check for fraud through the Alfamart call center. This problem also occurs very often. Most often, Alfamart is  chosen because of the very big name. Therefore, someone must believe it when someone contacts and acts on behalf  of Alfamart. This company has been established for a long time.

Alfamart was  first founded in 1989. At that time, its founder was Djoko Susanto. From there, its name continued to grow as  Alfamart itself was one of the first companies to engage in distribution and trading. If you look at the current conditions, the branches have been spreading a lot.

Not only in every sub-district, it feels like the company’s branches are in every village. But with such a big name, people who use their name for malicious purposes have also become a lot. In order not to encounter this situation, always check for fraud through the  Alfamart call center. The methods of deception are also different.

There is a new method of fraud going on

More and more, cheating methods have evolved. This follows the development of ever-evolving technology. In addition to facilitating the spread of good things, technological developments also facilitate the spread of new things. The new mode of deception is diverse. The most popular mode involves balanced deposits and games.

When dealing with it, check for fraud through the Alfamart call center. This type of scam usually starts from Whatsapp sent by people claiming to be  Alfamart cashiers  to the victim. On whatsapp, the cashier will say that he entered the wrong deposit balance or online game.

The recharge balance he said was instead included in the victim’s number. To return the money, the cashier said that he sent a security number to the victim’s mobile phone. Most often, this security number is in the form of SMS with the arrangement of numbers and descriptions in other languages. Because they don’t understand anything, the victim will simply send the number.

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When encountering this situation, check for fraud through the alfamart switchboard. Please note, the security number is not the number to return the balance due to a deposit error. This number is the security number to log into one of the banking applications on the victim’s mobile phone. Its main targets are m-banking and cryptocurrency applications.

You must also know that to enter the application requires a secure SMS to the mobile phone number. Cleverly their scammers will use a different language on their phones so that the victim does not understand the SMS. As for the information, the return of the deposit error cannot be carried out in any way.

If that happens, alfamart cashiers  need to replace it with personal money. In addition, the online game vouchers themselves are not purchased online. Such vouchers are purchased by offline means. Therefore, messages with errors in charging online game vouchers must be scams. Remember, always check for fraud through the Alfamart call center.

Call center contacting agar can avoid it

To contact Alfamart is very easy. There are many ways in which contact can be made. Perhaps if you want the fastest response, consumers can make an official phone call. The official phone of the company is the number +211500959. Contact can be contacted by all walks of life.

But for a quick response, make sure to call that number during business hours. That’s because, there’s a lot of CS available when communication is done on weekdays. This number is also not free to access. Consumers need to pay for the phone as usual when contacting them.

Perhaps if you want to be cheaper, you can contact him by landline. Landlines themselves have a clear fee per month. With it, the losses caused by the deducted pulse will not be felt. To avoid this, you must check for fraud through the Alfamart call center.

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However, if the cost of making a phone call is considered heavy, contacting CS can also be done through whatsapp. His own contact is 0811-1500-959. However, contacting whatsapp is definitely different from contacting CS directly. It takes patience when sending messages because it takes time for CS to respond.

Also, if you have a complaint, be sure to provide a detailed explanation of the complaint. This method is implemented so that the CS does not need to ask again the details of the problem which will obviously take time. This is another way to choose from checking for fraud through the Alfamart call center.

The use of WhatsApp is already quite familiar in Indonesia. Even now, whatsapp is one of the apps with the highest popularity. Almost all Indonesians use it. With this, you will definitely have no problem contacting him when you feel cheated or faced with other problems.

Ways not to be scammed

If you don’t want to be deceived, there are a number of ways that need to be done. The first way is to contact personal information. When someone wants to cheat on you online, it means that he or she knows your own personal data. Therefore, do not be careless in entering personal data.

Ensure personal data is stored as best as possible and used only for important activities. This method is quite optimal in preventing fraud. But even if this is done, it doesn’t mean you’re one hundred percent safe. A perpetrator has many ways to get information from his victim.

Therefore, always make sure to check for fraud through the Alfamart call center. In addition, other supplements are necessary to avoid such bad possibilities. That way is to ignore strange phone numbers. When a company officially calls, the company must contact the company number.

If there is a contact on behalf of the company but through some individual, it can be determined that the contact is fraudulent. Therefore, ignore such numbers instead of reading them and go through bad events instead. It is also worth knowing that such an impostor is like having magic.

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Maybe when you first receive a call, you will feel that the phone is a lie. But after some time of conversation, the victim will instead follow his orders and give what he wants. Please note that this is not magic or the like. This is a psychological trick so that a person can obey.

This technique is usually done in two ways. First, the victim will be shocked and panicked at the same time. This is usually done by saying that there are families affected by disasters and the like. The second way is to press with a high note. Suffering from depression, this condition causes the victim to follow him subconsciously.

Always use this feature to track down scammers

Always check for fraud through the Alfamart call center. But as a hint, make sure to use useful features in tracking down scammers. When encountering fraud, it is easier if the location of the scammer is already known. This method makes it easier for the authorities to handle it.

There are already many apps on the playstore that are useful for doing this kind of tracking. By continuing to activate it, a bad possibility when fraud occurs is avoided. Don’t use it and even get harmed when bad things happen. After all, installing it on a mobile phone is not a disadvantage.

The more you get here, the more common cheating becomes. You definitely need to be smart to not become a victim. After all, avoiding fraud is not as difficult as one might think. Alfamart himself is often used as a means to deceive people. Therefore, always check for fraud through the Alfamart call center.

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